Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram
We hope that this website Strengthens the Power of Analysis, Power of Thinking and Self - reliance among the students, Masters and all peoples
O.Q Mathematics – 6th class-(part-1)

15. A fruit seller gains Rs. 200 on every dozen mangoes sold and loses Rs. 25 on every dozen apples sold. If he sells 5 dozen mangoes and 10 dozen apples, what is his net gain or loss on the whole transactions?
6th class (Part-1) Answers.
Part (3) Answers.
We hope that this website Strengthens the Power of Analysis, Power of Thinking and Self - reliance among the students, Masters and all peoples
Mallapragada Ramakrishna, B.Sc.
Telugu writer and Mathematics Master .
ఓం శాంతి: ఓం శాంతి: ఓం శాంతి:
O.Q Mathematics – 6th class-(part-1)
1. The
smallest two digit number is ……………
2. The
smallest three digit number is ……………
3. The
smallest four digit number is ……………
4. The
smallest five digit number is ……………
5. The
smallest six digit number is ……………
6. The smallest
seven digit number is ……………
7. The
smallest eight digit number is ……………
8. The
grate two digit number is ……………
9. The
greatest three digit number is ……………
10. The
greatest four digit number is ……………
11. The
grate five digit number is ……………
12. The
greatest six digit number is ……………
13. The
greatest seven digit number is ……………
1.4 The
greatest seven digit number is ……………
15) one
cror, how many Lakhs and thousands
16) 1 lakhs
, how many thousands and hundreds
17. The unit
of length is -----------
18. The unit
of weight is -----------
19. The unit
of volume is ---------------
20. The
unit of time is ----------
21. 10
millimeters =--------------
22. 100
centimeters =-------------
23. 1000
meters = -----------------
24. 1
Kilometer =--------------
25. 1
Kilogram =------------------
26. 1
Kilo liter = ---------------
27. which is
the greatest and smallest among the numbers
2564 ,
2583, 2546,2541 greatest and smallest ?
28. In The
number 1234567, the digit at hundreds place is -----
29. What
number is to be added to the greatest five digit number to make it on lakh?
30. The mark
which helps us in reading and writing of large numbers is --------------
31. The
symbol that denotes is greater than is -------------
32. The
symbol the stands for is less than is--------------
33. One million is --------------lakhs.
34. One
billion is -------------------Cror
1,00,00,000 is called-------------
36. Place
value of 8 in 12381275 is -----------
37. Round
off 264 to nearest hundred ------------
38. The
greatest number formed with the digits 2,5,7,0,3, is ----
39. Put
appropriate symbol in the space given : 425 …..452
40. Put
appropriate symbol in the space given: 2654 -----2564
41. A news
paper is published every day. It
contains 12 pages. 10000 copies are printed. How many pages are printed every
42. The employees
visited to different villages towards recorded of old age People I st day
25,000, 2nd day 35,000
And third day 10,000. Find the total number of People
visited in these three days?
43.In Lok Sabha election, the elected candidate
got 5,00,000 votes and defeated candidate got 3,00,000. B how many votes did
the winner win the election?
44. A
bicycle industry makes 3,000 bicycles each day. Find the total number of
bicycles manufactured for the month of november ?
45. A
helicopter covers 500 km in 1 hour. How
much distance will it cover in 5 hours.
Express our answer in meters.
46. The
total weight of a box of 5 biscuit packets of same size is 5kg 500 grams. What
is the weight of each packet?
47. The
distance between the temple and the bus stop is 1km 500 m. Every day Ramakrishna
walks both ways to attend the temple. Find the total distance he walked in 10
48. The
cloth required to make a shirt of school uniform for each boy is 1m50 cm. How
man shirts tailor can stitch by using 40 m. of cloth? How much cloth will be
Ans. 1) =10,
2) =100, 3)1000, 4)10000 5)100000, 6)=1,000000
9)=999 10)9999 11) 99999 12) 999999
9999999 14) 99999999 15) 100 lakhs, 10,000 thousands
16) 100
thousands, 1000 hundreds 17) meter ,18) Kilogram ,19) liter 20) second 21) 1 Centimeter ,22) 1 meter
23) 1 kilometer 24) 1000x100x10 millimeters =10,00,000m.m
25) 1000
grams and 1 gram = 1000 milligrams 26) 1000 liters
greatest No. 2583, smallest No. 2541 28). 5 29) 1 30) comma 31) > 32)
< 33). 10 34) 100 35) One crore 36) 80000 37)300 38)75320
39) “< “ 40) “ > “
41. No. of
copies printed ever day=10,000,
each cop has
12 pages,
Hence the No. of pages printed =10,000x12 =1,20,000
42. 70,000 43) 2,00,000
44) No. of days month of nov. = 30
Number of
bicycles made in 30 days = 3000 x 30 =90,000
45. We know
that 1 Km =1000 meters.
Distance covered by helicopter in 5
hours = 2500Km
=2500 x 1000 meters = 25,00,000 meters.
46. Total
weight of 5 biscuit packets = 5kg 500 grams.
The weight of each packet = 5kg 500grams
= 1kg 100 gms.
47. Distance
between the Temple and the bus stop =1km 500m
Ever day from the bus stop to temple and
vice varca
1.500m + 1.500m = 3km
Total distance Ramakrishna walked in 10 days= 3x10=30km
48. The
cloth to be stitched = 40 m = 40 x 100 = 4000cm.
The cloth required one short 1m.50 cm= 150
Number of shirts stitched = 4000/150
=26.66 = 26 2/3
The tailor can stitch 26 shirts.
The cloth that will be left = 2/3 x 150
=100cm. = 1m
1. 9123456789 write in words (Indian system)---------
2. 9123456789 write in words (International
3.Read the
number carefully i.e 123,456,789
a).The digit
at millions place --------
b) The digit
at hundreds place--------
c) The digit
in ten millions place -------
4. What is
the least whole number?
5. which
numbers can be show as squares ?
6. which
number can be shown as trangle?
7. which
numbers can kbe shown as rectangles?
8. The
successor of 999 is ----------------
9. The
predecessor of 200 is -------------
10. division
by zero is -----------------------
11. The set
of whole numbers is represented b the letter ------
12. The set
of natural numbers is represented by the letter----
13. The
number in the set of natural numbers has no predecessor ----------------
14. multiply
simple modal i.e. 65 x 99=
15. Addition
of whole numbers can be represented on -----------
16. When
ever we add two numbers we move on the number line towards-----------------
17. Moving towards
left on the number line means ---------
18 write the
whole number ---------------------
19. division
b zero is -------------------------
20. write
ex. Commutative property of addition for whole numbers---------------------
21. write
ex. Commutative property of multiplication
for whole numbers---------------------
22. write
ex. Associative property of addition for whole numbers---------------------
23. write
ex. Associative property of multiplication
for whole numbers---------------------
24. ------------------is called the Additive
identity for whole numbers.
25. The
number of whole numbers between 2 and 10 is---
26. The
number to be added to 5 to get 12 on the number line is ------------
27. the
number to be deducted from 7 to ge 1 on the number line is-------------
28. The sum
of the whole numbers between 10 and 15 is-------
29. A number
that can be arranged as a line and a triangle is-----
30. express
20 x 72 using distributive property ----------
31. can you
tell where we use milligrams. ?
32. Rama and
Krishna purchased 12 not books and 20 note books respectively cost of each
notebook is Rs. 20, then how much amount should pay for the shop keeper ?

Om Sri RAm Om Sri Ram Om. Sri Ram
1. 912,34,56,789
= nine hundred Twelve crores thirty four
lakhs fifty six thousand seven hundred
and eight nine only
2. 9,123,456,789
= Nine billion one hundred twenty three
million four hundred fifty six thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
3 Ans a) 3
b)7 c) 23 4. “0”
5. 4,9,16,25,36,49………
3,6,9,15,21) 7. Product of two numbers can be show as triangle 6=2x3, 8 2x4, 10 = 2x5, 12 = 2x6 ………
8. 1000 9. 199
10, undefined 11. W, 12. N , 13. 1, 14.65(100-1)
6500-65= 6435, 15, number line 16, Right starting from
any of them 17. Substraction. 18, ‘0’
19. Undefined 20. 3+4=7, 4+3=7
2x5=10 , 5x2 = 10, 22. (5+6) + 7=
23. (2x3)x4= 2x(3x4) 24. Zero. 25. 7 , 26. 6 27. 6,
28. 11+ 12+13+14=50, 29. 3 ,
30. 20 x(70+2)
31. 1)
Silever, 2) Gold 3) mercury 4) platinum etc.
Rs. 20x12 +
20 x 20 = 20(12+20) = Rs.640
1. A certain
freezing process requires that room temperature be lowered from 500C
at the rate of 50C every hour.
What will be the room temperature 10 hours after the process begins?
2. A
merchant on selling rice earns a profit
of Rs. 20 per bag of fine rice sold and
loss Rs. 10 per bag of non-fine rice.
i) He sells
5000 bags of fine rice and 3000 bags of non – fine rice in a month. What is his profit or loss in the month?
ii)What is
the number of Fine rice bags he must sell to have neither profit nor loss, if
the number of bags of non-fine rice sold is 6,400.
3. A cement
company earns a profit of Rs. 10 per bag of white cement sold and a loss of Rs.
5 per bag of grey cement sold.
company sells 8000 bags of white cement and 6000 bags of grey cement in a
month. What is its profit or loss?
is the number of white cement bags it must sell to have neither profit nor
loss, if the number of grey bags sold is 5,400
4. The
temperature at 12 noon was 100 C
above zero. If it decreases at
the rate of 20 C per hour until mid-night at what time would the
temperature be 60 C below zero. What would be the temperature at
mid-night ?
5. In a
class test (+3) marks are given for eery correct answer and (-2) marks are
given for every incorrect answer and no marks for not attempting any question.
i) Radhika
scored 20 marks. If she has got 12
correct answers, how many questions has she attempted incorrectly?
ii) Mohini scores (-5) marks in this test, though she has
got 7 correct answers. How many
questions has she attempted incorrectly.
6. An
elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 6 meters per minute. If the
descent stars from 10m above the ground level. How long will it take to reach – 350m
7. Krishna
deposited Rs. 100 with her mother. He
withdraws Rs. 50 from her mother on the next now what is the money with his
8. There is
a class test for 25 marks. Sheeta lost
10 marks and Gopi lost 8 marks. What
were marks at the test?
9. In a
freezing process the temperature is to be lowered to 200 C. If the room temperature
300 C, how much it should be reduced?
10. Simplify -1-2-3-……(-20)
11. Ram won
10 marbles in a game on a particular day.
He lost 3,5,6 and 8 on the following Find his net gain or loss.
12. A Fine
of Rs. 5 is collected on every Rs. 100 to be deposited with post office. What
was the fine a sum of Rs. 1200 ?
13. In a
test of 15 Questions, every correct answer gets 5 marks and every wrong answers
was get (-2) marks. Rama answered all questions,
out of which 8 are correct what is his total score?
14. In a
quiz every right answer carries 10 marks and every wrong answer (2) marks. It a total of 12 questions were asked of which
8 are correct, find the total score.
15. A fruit seller gains Rs. 200 on every dozen mangoes sold and loses Rs. 25 on every dozen apples sold. If he sells 5 dozen mangoes and 10 dozen apples, what is his net gain or loss on the whole transactions?
6th class (Part-1) Answers.
Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram
Ans. 1) =10,
2) =100, 3)1000, 4)10000 5)100000, 6)=1,000000
9)=999 10)9999 11) 99999 12) 999999
9999999 14) 99999999 15) 100 lakhs, 10,000 thousands
16) 100
thousands, 1000 hundreds 17) meter ,18) Kilogram ,19) liter 20) second 21) 1 Centimeter ,22) 1 meter
23) 1 kilometer 24) 1000x100x10 millimeters =10,00,000m.m
25) 1000
grams and 1 gram = 1000 milligrams 26) 1000 liters
greatest No. 2583, smallest No. 2541 28). 5 29) 1 30) comma 31) > 32)
< 33). 10 34) 100 35) One crore 36) 80000 37)300 38)75320
39) “< “ 40) “ > “
41. No. of
copies printed ever day=10,000,
each cop has
12 pages,
Hence the No. of pages printed =10,000x12 =1,20,000
42. 70,000 43) 2,00,000
44) No. of days month of nov. = 30
Number of
bicycles made in 30 days = 3000 x 30 =90,000
45. We know
that 1 Km =1000 meters.
Distance covered by helicopter in 5
hours = 2500Km
=2500 x 1000 meters = 25,00,000 meters.
46. Total
weight of 5 biscuit packets = 5kg 500 grams.
The weight of each packet = 5kg 500grams
= 1kg 100 gms.
47. Distance
between the Temple and the bus stop =1km 500m
Ever day from the bus stop to temple and
vice varca
1.500m + 1.500m = 3km
Total distance Ramakrishna walked in 10 days= 3x10=30km
48. The
cloth to be stitched = 40 m = 40 x 100 = 4000cm.
The cloth required one short 1m.50 cm= 150
Number of shirts stitched = 4000/150
=26.66 = 26 2/3
The tailor can stitch 26 shirts.
The cloth that will be left = 2/3 x 150
=100cm. = 1m
Part (3) Answers.
Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram Om Sri Ram
of 5x + 5 = 15 is ………………..
2. 5x + 10 =
K then x =……………………..
3. A number
increased by 10 is represented as ……………….
4. Sum of
two numbers is 30. In one number is x then
the other
is ………….
5. Age of a
son is 20 years what is the age after x years……
6. A
quantity which divides L.H.S. of an equation ----the R.H.S.
7. L.H.S and
R.H.S. of the equation 2(1/4x-4)=5(23-5) is =…..
8. 3 times a
number exceeds 30 by 3 How do you
represent this ?............................
9. 3x + 30 =
5x – 10 then x ………………….
10. 5x + 8 =
5x – K then K =…….
11. the
L.H.S. and R.H.S. of an equation are interchange then their values…………………….
12. Sum of
the age of Ram and his father is 50if father’s age is 40, then Rama’s age is …………..
13. Twice of
a number plus 10 is 100. Write simple equation for this ………………………
14. One and
half times a number 20 then the number
is ……….
15. In a
triangle the three sides are x, 2x, x+3.
If the perimeter is 30 m. The largest side is …………………..
16. Angle ‘
a ‘ angle ‘ b ‘ are linear pair of angles . If angle A = 1000 Than angle
‘ b ‘ = ?
17. The length
of a rectangle is 3 more than its breath. If the perimeter is 60m then its
length is …………
18. After 10
years Rama’s age is 30 years. What is
his present age?
of 5x + 5 = 15 is …2…
2. 5x + 10 =
K then x =…… (K-10)/5
3. A number
increased by 10 is represented as … 10 + x
4. Sum of
two numbers is 30. In one number is x
then the other
is …30 - x
5. Age of a
son is 20 years what is the age after x years…20 + x
6. A
quantity which divides L.H.S. of an equation -Multiplies---the R.H.S.
7. L.H.S and
R.H.S. of the equation 2(1/4x-4)=5(23-5) is
= Not Equal…..
8. 3 times a
number exceeds 30 by 3 How do you
represent this ?. 3x = 33....
9. 3x + 30 =
5x – 10 then x …= 20……………….
10. 5x + 8 =
5x – K then K =…-8
11. the
L.H.S. and R.H.S. of an equation are interchange then their values… Remain
the same….
12. Sum of
the age of Ram and his father is 50if father’s age is 40, then Rama’s age is .10
13. Twice of
a number plus 10 is 100. Write simple equation for this 2x + 10 =100…
14. One and
half times a number 20 then the number
X =40/3……….
15. In a
triangle the three sides are x, 2x, x+3.
If the perimeter is 23 m. The largest side is …10m………………..
16. Angle ‘
a ‘ angle ‘ b ‘ are linear pair of angles . If angle A = 1000 Than
angle ‘ b ‘ = 800
17. The
length of a rectangle is 3 more than its breath. If the perimeter is 60m then
its length is [2(x+x-3)] =60,…4x-8=60, 17
18. After 10
years Rama’s age is 30 years. What is
his present
Sol. X + 10
= 30, x = 40
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