ఓం శ్రీ రాం ఓం శ్రీ రాం ఓం శ్రీ రాం
మనోధైర్యానికి మార్గాలు 38 (A to Z) Quatations-5
*Cleanliness is next to godliness.
దైవభక్తికి తరువాతది పరిశుబ్రత.
*Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.
దుస్తులు నడవడిక మనిషిని రూపొన్దించవు, కాని మనిషి రూపొన్దినప్పుడు అతని రూపాన్ని అవి గొప్పగా మెరుగు పరుస్తాయి
*college professor is one who talks in other people.s sleep.
కాలేజి ప్రొఫిసర్ అంటే ఇతరులు నిద్రపోతుండగా మాట్లడే వ్యక్తి
*Come live with me and you shall know me.
రా నాతొ జీవించు నేనేమిటో తెలుస్తుంది
*Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
సన్నిహితం కావటం ప్రారంభం, కలిసి జీవించడం
పురోగతి, కలిసి పనిచేయటం విజయం

*Centuries of education give you a culture and centuries of culture give you a civilization
శతాబ్దాల విద్య నీకు సంస్కృతి ఇస్తుంది. శతాబ్దాల సంస్కృతి నీకు నాగరికత ఇస్తుంది .
*Cheats never prosper.
దగాకోరులు ఎన్నడూ వృద్ధిలోకి రారు
*Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
మార్పు జీవిత ధర్మం, భూత వర్తమాన కాలాన్ని మాత్రమే చేసేవారు తప్పనిసరిగా భావిష్యత్ కోల్పోతారు
*Classic.. a book which people praise and don't read.
ప్రామాణిక గ్రంధం అంటే - ప్రజలు కొనియాడేది, కాని చదవనిది
*Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.
ధైర్యమంటే భయంలేకుండా వుండటం కాదు. భయంకన్నా మరేదో మరింత ముఖ్యమైనదని నిర్ణ యించు కోగలగటం
*Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
నిలబడటానికి, మాట్లాడటానికి ధైర్యం కావాలి. కూర్చొవటానికి, వినటానికి కూడా ధైర్యం కావాలి
* Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems and to stay focused during stressful periods.
ధైర్యమంటే ఒక సంభందాన్ని కొనసాగించటం, కష్టమైన నసస్యలకు పరిష్కారాలు కనుగోనే ప్రయత్నం కొనసాగించటం, ఇబ్బందులొ చ్చి నపుడు కృంగి పోకుండా వుండటం
*Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand. the spines of others are stiffened.
ధర్యం అంటువ్యాధి లాంటిది. ఒకధైర్యశాలి గనుక ఒక వైఖరి తీసుకుంటే ఇతరులు అతన్ని అనుసరిస్తారు.
*Consider show much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.
నీవు వేటి గురించి అగ్రహించావో, భాదపడినావో అంతకన్నా మిన్నగా నీ కోపం, విచారం నిన్ను భాదిస్తాయని తెలుసుకో
*A better boss. it will make you a bitter employee.
నీ పైఅధిక్కారి గురించి ఫిర్యాదు చేయటం అతన్ని మెరుగైనవాడిగా మార్చడం
*Compromise is part and parcel of my nature.
రాజీ పడటం నా స్వభావంలో అంతర్భాగం .
*Cowards die many times before their deaths the valiant never taste of death but once.
పిరికివాడు తన మరణానికి ముందే చాలా సార్లు చనిపొతాడు. కాని యోధుడు ఒక్కసారే మరణి స్తాడు

*Designed Me
Created Me
Blesses Me
Heals Me
Defends Me
Forgives Me
Love Me
*Do Not bite the hand that feeds you
నీవు అన్నం పెట్టె చేతిని కొరక్కు
*Don't be proud it is like a bubble that is prick able.
గర్వపడకు అది సూక్ష్మ రంద్రం పడినా పగిలిపోయే గాలి బూర లాంటిది.
*Don't boast talk little and perform better.
గొ ప్పలు చెప్పుకోకు, తక్కువ మాట్లాడు ఎక్కువ
*Don't discuss your personal problems with strangers.
నీ వ్యక్తిగత సమస్యలను కొత్తవారితో చర్చించకు
*Don't pity a wrong person and never punish a right person
తప్పుడు వ్యక్తి పట్ల జాలిపడకు-మంచివ్యక్తిని ఎన్నడూ శిక్షించుకు
*Don't search for a needle in the haystack.
గడ్డికుప్పలో సూదికొసం వెతక్కు
*Don't talk act
Don't say Show
Don't promise prove
*Duty makes us do things well but love makes us do them beautifully.
భాద్యత పనులను సక్రమంగా చేయిస్తుంది, కాని ప్రేమ వాటినే అందంగా చేయిస్తుంది
compare your self with others just compare you today with you
yesterday If there is an improvement that's you achievement.
ఎవరితో పోల్చుకోకు , నిన్నటి గురించి ఆలోచించకు భవిషత్తులో అభివృద్ధితో ముందుకు నడువు
*Deal with your Problems before they deal with your happiness.
ముందుగా ప్రాబ్లమ్స్ సరిచేసుకుంటే ఉస్చాహమ్ నీ వెంటే ఉంటుంది
*Develop success from failures. discouragement and failure are two of the surest Stepping stones to success.
వైఫల్యాలనుంది విజయాన్ని వృద్ధిచేసుకో, నిరుత్చాహ వైఫల్యం విజయానికి రెండు కచ్చితమైన సోపానాలు
*Dictionary: A place where Divorce comes before Marriage.
నిఘంటువు: వివాహం కన్నా ముందు అంటే విడాకులు వచ్చే చోటు
*Discipline is the primary requirement for excellence.
క్రమ శిక్షణ ప్రతిభను ప్రాధమికావసరం
*Discussion is an exchange of intelligence argument an exchange of ignorance.
తెలివితేటలను ఇచ్చి పుచ్చుకునేది చర్చ అజ్ఞానాన్ని పంచుకునేది వాదన
*Dreams are extremely important You can't do it unless you imagine it.
కలలు ఏంతో ముఖ్యమైనవి. అయితే నీవు ఊహించ కుండా కలలు కనలేలేవు
*Do not be afraid when mishaps happen. Try to overcome them, not by analysis but by facing them
దురదృష్ట సంఘటనలు జరిగినపుడు భయపడకు. వాటిని విశ్లెషించటం ద్వారాగాక, ఎదుర్కోవటం ద్వారా వాటిని అధిగ మించటానికి ప్రయత్నించు
Don't depend too much anyone in this WORLD. Even your shadow leaves you when you're in DARKNESS....
*Don't you know who I am now?
Don't waste words on people who deserve your Silence. Some times the most power feel thing you can say is nothing at all
*During conversation one should remember that ears are two and mouth is one. Listen more and speak less.
మనకున్న చెవులు రెండు, నోరు ఒకటని మాట్లాడే సందర్బం లో ఎవరైనా గుర్తుంచుకొవాలి. కాబట్టి ఎక్కువ విను, తక్కువ మాట్లాడు
*Drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading it.
దేన్నీ చూడకుండా తాగకు, చదవకుండా సంతకం చేయకు
between being a big fish in a small pond and being a small fish in a
big pond is the same as he difference between a state Chief Minister and
a Central Minister.
రాష్ట్ర ముఖ్యమంత్రికి, కేంద్ర మంత్రికి వున్న తేడా - చిన్న మడుగులో పెద్ద చేప, పెద్ద మడుగులో చిన్నచేప
Today the day of
Hanumaan ji
Jai shree ram ji
Jai hanumaan ji
Jai luxman bhaiya ki
Hanuman ji ke 12 naam :-
------------------------------ --:
1. हनुमान ! Hanuman2. अंजनी सुनू ! Anjni Sunu3. वायु पुत्र ! Vayu Putra4. महाबल ! Mahabal5. रामेष्ट ! Ramesht6. फाल्गुन सख ! Phalgun Sakh7. पिंगाक्ष ! Pingaksh8. आमित विक्रम ! Amit Vikram9. उदधि क्रमण ! Udhikrman10.सीता सोक विनासन ! Sita Shock Vinashn11.लक्ष्मण प्राण दाता ! Lakshman Pran Data12.दस ग्रीव दर्पहा ! Dash Grieve Darpha
Bolo bajrang Balli ki jai
Hanumaan ji
Jai shree ram ji
Jai hanumaan ji
Jai luxman bhaiya ki
Hanuman ji ke 12 naam :-
1. हनुमान ! Hanuman2. अंजनी सुनू ! Anjni Sunu3. वायु पुत्र ! Vayu Putra4. महाबल ! Mahabal5. रामेष्ट ! Ramesht6. फाल्गुन सख ! Phalgun Sakh7. पिंगाक्ष ! Pingaksh8. आमित विक्रम ! Amit Vikram9. उदधि क्रमण ! Udhikrman10.सीता सोक विनासन ! Sita Shock Vinashn11.लक्ष्मण प्राण दाता ! Lakshman Pran Data12.दस ग्रीव दर्पहा ! Dash Grieve Darpha
Bolo bajrang Balli ki jai
*Every falters. Every one stumbles gather you courage and keep moving in the wright direction. If you don't know which way to go close your eyes and follow your hear.
*Every successful man must have behind him some where tremendous integrity unknown support, tremendous sincerity with great humility and that is the cause of his success in life.
*"Every second that you live you are never
going to get back.
You are never going to get to change what you said, didn't say, did, or didn't do.
*Every time you smile at some one, it is an action of Love a gift to that person a beautiful thing.
*Each morning we are Born again. What we do to day is what Matters most.
*Friend: First Relation Ship In Earth That Never Die
*Face begins with a Smile

* Family were life begins and love never ends.
*Fall in Love with some one who truly deserves your, hear, not some one who Plays with it.
Forget every thing and Run
Face every thing and Rise
boy Friend
Girl Friend
Best Friend
Every thing has an End Except Family
I love you Your Family
*Forgiveness brings healing. If I for give you, the bitterness leaves me. It also allows you to move on. Forgiveness liberates both the forgiver and the forgiven.
*Find someone who makes you realize three things:
(1). Home is not a place but a feeling.
(2). Time is not measured by a clock but moments.
(3). Heartbeats are not heard but felt and shared.
*Forget what hurt you but never forget what it thought you
*Groups give thought full feed back.
Respect others and on task all the time
Use of soft voice Participate actively
stay with your group
*Good thins are going to happen Have faith stay Positive
*Imagine with all your mind
Believe with all your hear
Achieve with all your Might

*I am feeling so happy
Do you know why ?
Cause I am so lucky
Do you know how?
Cause god lover me
Do you know how?
Cause he gave me gift
Do your Know Heart
It you my love
*It is not happy people who are thankful. Its thankful people who are happy.

*"I Wish my Life, had bad ground music so I could under stand what the hell is going on "
*If you Judge people you have no Time to Love them
*If you want to live a happy life, Lie it to a goal not to people or things.
* If there is light in the soul. There will be beauty in the person.

*If your Phone battery in full at the end of the whole day, then you are actually enjoing your life.
*Happy Father's day
"A Truly Father is one whose children Run in to his Arms when his hands are Empty.

*I know bad news travels fast
I know Behind every successful man is a surprised women. I Know love is the drawn of marriage and marriage is the sunset of Love.

*I know that I am not perfect I know sometime I forget to Pray. I know some times I loss my Temper. But thank you for loving me on conditionally and giving me another day to start again.

*In my Life, I have Lived, I have loved, I have lost, I have missed, I have hurt, I have trusted, I have made mistakes but most of all I have learned.
*Happiness is a choice not a result nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
H - Honorable
I - Invincible
N - Necter
D - Disciplined
U - Universal brother hood
Happiness does not obey a laws of Mathematics when kyou start deviding happiness among others it a actually Multiplies .
*Good will never leave you in the middle of our storm
*Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extra ordinary destiny
H - Health
E - Education
A - agriculture
R - Rural Development
T - Tourism

Heart - I Love You
Eye - Why?
Heart - because my beats depends on the Beauty you watch.
Eyes - I have you too
Heart - Why ?
Eyes - Because when I watch Beauty, You give the Feelings for it.
*He can be a Father
He can be a Brother
He can be a Husband
He can be a Son
on a whole He's a Man
Who works hard For making his family comfortable
Respect him, Love him, Love you Dad.
Happy Father's Day
*If Some trusts you blindly never ever prove them blind.
*If you want me show me If you need me tell ,me If I am worth it, fight for me
*Its hard when some one special if nor er you but its harder pretending that you just don't care.
*I am learning how to walk away from people and situations that threaten my peace of mind self respect or my self worth.
*I want morning and noon and
nightfall with you.
I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses,
that smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, that touch of you breath on my face.
I want to see you in the final hour of my life....to lie in your arms as I take my last breath.
*I promise to stay if you promise to never leave
*I miss you, but I'm trying not to care.
I live you, but I'm trying not to show.
I want you but what can i do when you are not even mine?
*It is O.K. don't worry I am happy with out you
*I believe the first test of a truly great man is his humility
*I hate two faced people it maker it harder for me to decide to stop first.
*In my Life I want nothing but you
*I Wish I could turn back the clock. I had find you sooner and love you longer
*I am not pretty are you I am see But I have sincere personality and that's what I wanted you too see..
*I just want to have a place in your Heart
like you have a place in mine
*If we can't connect mentelly there is nothing between us.
*I keep ego and attitude always in my pockets, so that I can use it when my self.respect and sentiments are being tested by people.
*I am not alone because loneliness is always with me
*If you tell the breath, you don't have remember anything
* I am so busy doing nothing that I have no time to do any thing

*Keep same room in your heart for the
*Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of up setting you
*LOVER= Loss of Valuable Energy and Rupees.
*"Loving a girl is second thing, First learn to respect her "
*Love is just like a baby when every they smile we also smile, when ever they cry we also cry.
*""let go. why you cling to pin? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?""

*LOVE may give happiness of sadness depending upon our feelings so always delete sad events and make large space for happiest movements.
*Love hurts
Love heals
Love in joyy
Love pain
Love never fails
*Love & Blessings Have a great Day.
*Love is commitment to protecting another persons hear with the same passion you use to guard your own.
*Life is Like a Mirror, It will smile at you If you smile at it.

*Look Properly it is not people, It is pillars.
*Live Love and lough till the last moment of Life.
*My worst fear is Losing you
Faith - makes all things possible
Love - makes all things easy
Hope - makes all thing work
*"Make a Decision Today that can Immediately change or Improve the Quality of your Life"
*Most of the shadow's of Life are caused by standing in our own sunshine
*My Life, My Choices, My Mistakes, My Lessons Not your Business
*Marriage is just a fancy word adopting an overgrown make child who cannot be handled by his parents any more.
*Maintain positive thoughts because thoughts become your words. words become your behavior. Behaviors become your habit . Habit become your values and values become your destiny
*May your cup over flam with love peace
and faith
*My Heart is open. I allow the Universe to guide me through my thoughts, my intuition, my feelings and my encounters. I am fully open to receive the guidance to follow it.
*Never mind what people say just mind what words will you say.
*May your hear be happy
May you day be bright
May your burdens be light
*My heart for you will never break.
My smile for you will never fade
My Love for you will never end.
I love you
*Never apologize for saying what you feel. That is like saying sorry for being real.

* Nice time said by a broke Heart please don't come one more time in front of me. Other wise again
I will trust you
I will trust you
*No one can Block the Blessings.
That good has for you
That good has for you
*Never forget 3 Types of people in your life
1. who helped you in your difficult time
2. who left you in your difficult time
3. who put you in your difficult time
*No one can block the Blessings.
*Never search you happy ness in others
It will make you feel alone.
Search it in yourself.
You will feel happy even
when you are left alone.
*Never leave a person who touches your soul more then you body.
*Never be as hammed of a scar it simply means
you were stranger than what ever tried to hurt
*None makes a lock with out a key. That is why God wan't give you problems without solutions.
*Never Miss an opportunity to tell some one. How much they mean to you.
you were stranger than what ever tried to hurt
*None makes a lock with out a key. That is why God wan't give you problems without solutions.
*Never Miss an opportunity to tell some one. How much they mean to you.
One day everything that hurts us will only be remembered by the good things, the great memories that will always make us smile.
*One best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a Library.
*Open your book of life only a few people because in this world very few care understand the chapters others are just curious to know.
*Problems never slay long they just put the signature in the experience bode of your life and move away "Good Morning"
*"perfection is not attainable But if we chase perfection we can attain Excellence "

*Pain makes people change, But It also makes then Stronger inspiring and positive quoter

*Relations are insurances policies against loneliness they need to be renewed with regular premium paid with communication feelings love and care.
*some Men focus more on How to get a women but once they have her they lose Focus on how to keep her
*Some times the Hardest people to Love Are the ones who need it the most.
*Some good byes are not ends but releases
*Stand up for what you believe in even if it means standing alone.
*Spending time with children is more important then spending money on children.
*Save trees
Save Oxygen
Save life
Save women
Save Love
Save life
*Smile it is the key. that fits the lock of Every body's Heart.
*Some day some one is going to look At you with a light in their eyes you have never seen, they all look at you like you are every thing they have been looking for their entire lives wait for it.
*Start every day with a new hope. Leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better ... Tomorrow.
*Silence is the Best Answer for all stupid question and smiling is the best reaction in all critical situation
*Speak 5 lines to your self every morning
I am to Best
I can do it
cod is always with me
I am a Winner
To day is my day .
*Smile like you've never cried, Fight like you've never been hurt, and live like there's no tomorrow.
*Some times people are beautiful
Not in looks
Not in what they say
Just in what they are.
*Standing alone is better then standing with people who don't value you
*Smile with all your heart and Let your face shines so bright. Make other people happy and have then appreciate the be anti of Life.

* successful people always have two things on their lips Silence and smile.
*Success is no accident it is hard work. Perseverance, learning, studying sacrifice and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do.
*Smile let everyy one know that today, you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
*Some people are so Important in our life, Not because we enjoy their company, But because we feel so lonely in their absence.
*Some times you just need to distance your self from people. If they care they 'll Notice If they don't you know where you stand.
*Some one you look up when you grow up
*The only things that never changes with time are memories than has no held over them
*Think deeply
Speak Gently
Love much
Laugh often
Work hard
Give freely
and Be kind wonderful
Day be yours
* The best thing in the work is seeing people smiling because of you
*The effect speaks, The tongue needs not.
మాటలే కాదు, చేతలేముఖ్యం
* Too much Break the Bag.
పెరుగుట విరుగుట కొరకె
*"The best pair in the world is smile & Cry.
They won't meet each other at a time;
If they meet it's the best moment in your life......"
The ABC' s Life
Accept - difference
Be - kind
Count your blessings
Express things
For give
Give freely
Harm no one
Imagine more
Jettison anger
Keep confidence
Love truly
Master some thing
Nurture hope
Open your mind
Pack highly
Quell rumors
Seek Wisdom
Touch hearts
Under stand
Value truth
Win graciously
yearn for peace
Zealously support a worthy cause
*The biggest covered is a man who awakens a Woman's Love with no intention of loving her

*Thing Money can't buy manners morals. Respect trust. patience class integrity love character commonsense.
*Think good thoughts say nice things, do good for others every things comes back (KARMA)

* The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own, No one to lean on, rely on or blame.
*The biggest suspense of today's life is that.
you don't know who is praying for you and
who is playing with you

*The gift is your's it is an amazing journey and you alone are responsible for the quality if it. This is the day you life really begins.
*The sweetest things you can do for a Girl/Boy are the little things that let her/his know she's/he's in your heart and your mind.
*Two things you will never have to chase . True friends & True Love
*The hardest part was not losing you, it was learning to live with out you
*Turn off your phone and go far a walk.
Enjoy the fresh air, trees, birds and all that nature has to offer.
The peace and quiet will uplift your mood.
*Turn off your phone and go far a walk.
Enjoy the fresh air, trees, birds and all that nature has to offer.
The peace and quiet will uplift your mood.
*The worst regret we have in life is not for the wrong things we did, but for the thousands of wright things we did for the wrong people.
*True love stands by each other on good days and stand even closer on the bad days.
*To day Reality
Big House - Small family
More Degrees - Less common Scense
Advanced Medicine - Poor Health
Touched Moon - Neighbors unknown
High in come - Less Peace of money
High I.Q. - Less emotions
Good Knowledge - Less wisdom
Number of affairs - No true Love
Lot of Friends - No best friends
More Alcohol - Less Humanity
Costly watches - But no time
*The best thing I have done in my Life is Love you. The best Gift I have received in my life is you Love. and The Best thing that has even happened to me is you I Love You
*The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn
*The art of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find for givens
*too many of us are not living our Dreams because we are living our fears
*You Don't need Some one to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely
* You are not just my friend Your my Love
You are not just my Love You are my Heart
You are not just my Heart You are my Life
You are not Just my Life You are my Ever thing.
*Your true friend is always there not just for a day or two but forever.
*You need power only when you want of do some thing Harmful other wise love is Enough to get every thing Done
End up really Disappointed if you think people will do for you as you
do for then. Not every one has the same heart as you
*You meet thousands of people and none of them really me an any thing to you. and then you meet one person and your life is changed for weaver.
* When you for give you don't change the part. you change the future.
Wife - Without Information - Fighting - Every time.
*What's done is done, What's gone is gone, One of life lessons is always moving on. It's OK look back and think of fond memories, but keep moving foreword.
*Weak people Revenge Strong People for give
* We were Born to be real not to be perfect

*Worry is a total waste of time . It does not change any thing . All it does is steal your joy and keeps very bus doing nothing.
*You meet thousands of people and none of them really me an any thing to you. and then you meet one person and your life is changed for weaver.
* When you for give you don't change the part. you change the future.

Wife - Without Information - Fighting - Every time.
*What's done is done, What's gone is gone, One of life lessons is always moving on. It's OK look back and think of fond memories, but keep moving foreword.
*Weak people Revenge Strong People for give
* We were Born to be real not to be perfect
*Worry is a total waste of time . It does not change any thing . All it does is steal your joy and keeps very bus doing nothing.

నేనొక ఆశాజీవిని - భూమిని ఆకాశాన్ని నమ్మిన వాడిని
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